Economic Developer
Municipal Planner
Landscape Architect
EDP Best Practices, LLC
(817) 992-6156

Chief Executive Officer Bio

Greg Last is the Chief Executive Officer of EDP Best Practices, LLC, located in the Dallas / Fort Worth area.  Greg has held certifications including Certified Economic Developer (CED), American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) and Texas registered Landscape Architect (RLA).  Greg served as the Texas Economic Development Council (TEDC) 2012 Chairman of the Board of Directors and previously served as the Chairman of the Economic Development Network on the Board of Directors for the Texas Chapter of the American Planning Association.

As a Planner / Landscape Architect for engineering and planning firms early in his career he gained experience in design, development and construction practices for commercial development.  As a municipal Community Development Director he managed many municipal functions and more particularly the planning, zoning and permitting processes necessary to complete development projects.  Finally, many years as a Director of Economic Development and Tourism for a suburban DFW community, utilized the skills and knowledge gained previously to attract, develop and retain businesses necessary to sustain financial health for a community.

Click here for a detailed one-page summary of qualifications and work experience.